Armed Forces and Security
People don’t sleep when the sun drowns in the sky … the country sleeps peacefully when we stay awake on the borders – A soldier
This is very much true that if the borders are not secure, no one in the country is secure. A country without soldiers would be like God without angels.
This is the area where politicians need to put primary focus when we think and create policies about countries defence. We have to ensure that Army, Air Force and Navy are well equipped with the modern warfare technologies.
“In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine.” – Erwin Rommel
We need to provide much more benefits to the soldiers deployed in the highly critical and challenging areas such as Siachin, Leh, Laddakh etc. We have to look the problems facing by them and need to develop the ways to resolve those problems. Also if it is requires to learn from other nations we should learn.
“The day the soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.” – Colin Powell
We should make it mandatory for every citizen to join and serve army for some years of their life. This will serve two purposes, one it will ensures the jobs for everyone and simultaneously it will provide opportunity to armed forces in identifying the right people to serve in the army and close the gap of officers required currently; second, it will teach discipline to the people of the country which will further help them in every field. Also the future generation politicians will give the due respect to armed forces which it deserves and not getting nowadays.
We can ensure ceiling our country borders and deploy advanced monitoring equipment which will tackle infiltration without any causalities. We have to secure the dignity of our soldiers and can not let anybody to destroy it which happened a lot in recent past.
“It is fatal to enter in war without the will to win it.” – Douglas MacArthur
We should have reduce our dependency on the other nations for good defence system and provide fund and support to our scientists in developing them within the country. It is need of hour to implement Zero Tolerance policy against terrorism and work towards making Bharat a terror free country. Also we have to ensure the resolution of Kashmir and Aksai chin issue once and forever.
As Douglas MacArthur said “I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any treat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.”
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