Improve the internal security
From somedays my mind is bombarding with below concerns
- Will a soldier able to serve his duties if he is constantly worried about the security of his family at far home?
- Will a doctor treat patients with full heart until he is sure that everything is fine at home?
- Will an engineer is able to deliver the quality projects with the concerns of his family security?
In my opinion, the answer is no for all above questions. We Indians are very much oriented towards our families. We live for family, we work for family. But the recent insecure conditions are a big block for a citizen to perform the duty honestly and with full heart.
In the recent time, crimes like rape, murder, kidnapping, land grabbing etc. are not only increasing but blasting like anything. Every minute there is a crime going on somewhere. We are not sure whether we will be safe in next minute or not. Even after crime has been committed there are very few who gather the courage to report it to the police. Most of us are afraid to report the crime to police due to the insensitiveness and negligence shown by the police towards the victim.
To improve the situation, we need to make sure that police is sensitive enough towards the victim and harsh towards the criminal and not the other way round. We have to educate police, improve their soft skills and implement suggestion given by various committees for police reforms. We have to provide more facilities and power to police to ensure best security to the public. The threat should be for the criminals and not for the citizens any time during the day or night. India has a big pool of human resource and we can recruit more personal in the police department and work towards making them responsible. We can include courses of human behavior, psychology and various other subjects in the police training. Also, the transfer and promotion of the police personal is not depend on the politicians will and should be go through a proper process and decide by a committee setup by eminent personalities of the country which includes judges, police officers, armed forces officers etc.
We also use technology to curb the crimes. We can use CCTV’s at everywhere, very frequent patrolling by police, and provide latest arms to the police. Make helpline more easily accessible. Decrease the time of action by the police on the every report.
We will also introduce civil policing and encourage people participation, where volunteers will be trained for some short span of time and will be deployed for a month or two on rotational basis. The department will be controlled by administrative team of local areas. The volunteers will be given stipend and certificates; this ensures more jobs and participation from the public. These teams will work as filling gaps between public and police.
We have to re-analyze the laws against the heinous crimes like rape and crime against women and children. We have to increase the punishment level for the crimes which are rarest of rare. Crimes like rape, crime against women and children, murder and corruption should comes under non-bailable offence. There should no bail granted for these crimes till the enquiry complete and court gives its verdict. Either the person should come out after proving the innocence or will remain in jail for full lifetime.
Most people want security in this world, not liberty
– H. L. Mencken
These are only few example which I think will work in improving the internal security condition; we have to ensure strong punishment to discourage/eliminate the same. Please share your thoughts on this.
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