Education is not for sale
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. – Nelson Mandela
This quote from Nelson Mandela explains everything by itself. Education is the right of every citizen and if one think that making a law will fulfill this need then it is a blunder mistake. It’s not the law which bring the change, it’s the implementation of the law. Making a law without the proper implementation is like a Rolls Royce without fuel. You can watch it, you can appreciate it but you can’t use it when it matter most. It’s better we create bicycle which can be used when it requires.
The first question is that whether our education system is good enough for the overall development of a child. Here, from the overall personality development, I am not referring to a child who spoke fluent english, getting good grades and bringing medals in the sports. No doubt these are also part of the personality development but most essential part of it is whether the education
- Inculcate the feeling of patriotism.
- Teaches to respect every human being.
- Teaches equality.
- Teaches to raise the voice against the wrong doing of anyone without hesitation.
- Teaches to analyze and courage to question before accepting any information.
- Provides chances for everyone to compete on the basis of merit rather than the quota.
If the answer is yes, then we are on the right path towards the building of the great nation otherwise we are making idiots in our schools and colleges. But on the sad note, I believe that our education do not teaches us any of the above points if I went through the events and circumstances of our country. I do not want to go into the details of these because every sane person is well aware of this.
But how do we improve our education system?
The initiative should be taken by the government of India with open mind and without any discrimination because only government can create the policy and make sure that those will be implemented without any fail. The only thing require is the will power to do this.
We have to ensure that child will read about each and every martyr who gave his life for bringing and ensuring the freedom of the country without any discrimination. It does not mean that only a single person can be glorified for taking the mileage in politics. It shouldn’t include only bookish knowledge, it should include the visit of museum which conserve the articles of our martyrs. There will be a mandatory five year army training should be the part of the curriculum. This will bring the discpline in the child and with discipline patrotism comes by itself. If we get successful in inculcating the feeling of patriotism in the child, it means we take one bold step towards finishing the corruption. Only a patriotic person puts nation first before anything else.
Government should take the initiative to create each and every school of the country same and equal. Here by equal I mean that the method of teaching should be same, facilities given in the school should be same, Teacher student ratioshould be same and even the dress code for the student and the building structure should be same. If we are able to do this then we take one step towards finishing the discrimination between children and teaches them the equality.
Government should finalise the syllabus for every grade and should ensure that what is teaching in the schools. It should make mandatory that every teacher should pass a teacher exam and have been certified before teaching. The teacher made great impact over the brain of a child. For example, if a teacher does not teach in class and asked students to join the tution then you can think by yourself that what we are teaching to our generation. For that we have to ensure that any certified teacher should not be liable to give tutions and also they paid well. If a teacher lives a respectable life then we can expect that he will teach same to the students. Government should monitor what is teaching in the schools and if any school is found guilty of teaching the hatred then the strict punishment should be given. Schools should not made on the religious basis.
The last important point is that education should be completely free for every child. The school uniforms, books, bags, water bottles and even the pen pencils should be provided by the school free of cost. Instead of child coming to school we have to establish a system in which school goes to child. Government should ensure that school does not have any part in accepting or rejecting the student no matter whether the father of child is multi-millionaire or a carpanter or a farmer or a labour. Inside the school there shouldn’t be any discrimination and no child can lose the right to get educated.
If government gets successful in implementing this, then I am sure that we does not require the quota and reservation system in the country. Only one thing remains and that is MERIT.
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. – Benjamin Franklin
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