Meaning of jihad for terrorists
Let we first try to understand the theory on which the terrorists group are working on
- First you have to eliminate all the religions from world and establish only one religion. Method: Kill the people from other religion or get them converted.
- Suppose we have successfully establish only a single religion in this world. Now what? Now either Shiyas will kill Sunnis or Sunnis will kill Shiyas. Iraq is the live example of this.
- Let’s assume that all will become either Shiyas or Sunnis. Now what? Now they will create another division to fight because its in their nature to kill the people and they do not live peacefully.
I have not read the Koran but I believed that it has not mentioned in Koran to kill people. Who will change it now? It is the people from that religion who can change it all. It’s them who should accepts that their is something wrong which needs to be get corrected.
We need diversity in this world to make it a better and nice place. I can explain it with an example. If single dish has been served in your food daily, you will get bored soon and then you will get irritated. Like we need the different different dishes in our food for the balanced diet, in the same manner we need people who believed in different views to get a balanced world.
The first and foremost duty of a person is not to protect their rights. The person’s duty is to protect the rights of others. The joy is in giving and not in asking. A person can smile on seeing the smile on others face because you can’t see the smile on your face. The joy is in diversity and unity and not in uniformity.
Live for all and not for you.
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