Five Qualities in a Manager which makes a Leader
During the career, an employee works with good number of managers but only few of them are the ones whom they termed as a leader. Most of the people always confuse a leader with a manager. A manager may or may not be a leader but a leader will always becomes a manager. So, what are those qualities which turns a manager into a leader.
1) Be Cool : The first and foremost quality of a leader is having a cool head in any situation and never loose temper. Human is prone to make mistake, when you work you make mistake. The difference of a manager will be visible when there is any mistake. A manager always highlights the employee mistake again and again, a leader never instead of that the whole focus is on how the resolve the issue and mitigate it in the future.
2) Timely and Correct Appreciation : Appreciation is the biggest factor of motivation for an employee, but what matters most is the timely appreciation. Delayed appreciation is denied appreciation. You like food when you are hungry and not when you are full. A leader always know when to appreciate and when not. But appreciation should be credible, it does not looks fake or a formality. Appreciation should be when employee did a good job rather than when put resignation.
3) Never take U-Turn : Stay on what you say. A leader never takes U-turn from what he said. No matter how harsh or bad it is. No employee trust on a manager who changes the stance in every other meeting. The manager who changes the stance in different situations will neither become a leader nor earned the respect of the employees.
4) No Favors : There are no favorites for a leader in a team when it comes to evaluating the performance. Yes, they may like someone more than other but when it comes to the performance evaluation they puts the favor aside and give the correct feedback on the basis of performance. They delegate task on the basis of capability rather than favoritism. They always set practical goals on the capability of an employee and not on the basis of favorites.
5) Take responsibility : A leader always takes the responsibility and lead when it requires most. A leader never takes the credit of others job but always steps in when there is the need. A manager who steps in only when it comes to take the credit and step back when there is some mistake never become a leader.
In the end, a leader always sees the employee as human rather than resource. A manager always trying to manage by any means but a leader always leads keeping high head.
A Manager Never Earn Respect Of The Employees But A Leader Always.
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