Startup India, Standup India
16-Jan-2016. A historic day for India and it’s proud people. The day is for those who want to follow their passion to bring some positive change in the society but not able to pursue due to monetary reasons or bureacratic blockades. The day is for those who want to change existing problems using new and fresh ideas. The change could be very small which may impact only one life but this will lead to bring big and better changes in future.
Say, if you can take care of studies of one child, this will bring change to that child life. The child will do better in the life and may be he/she will take care of one or more child when he is capable of doing it. This will, also, inspire people around you and make impact in changing many other children. Now let’s consider the worst, say, the child did not able to do better in his life or no one get inspired by you. Then what? Then also you have the feeling of satisfaction of doing something positive and that feeling is better than anything else.
Every person has some passion or idea about which they think every minute of their life. You only need to identify, develop and start working for that passion. That passion will become a startup. Startup is not about making money, it is all about living your dream and passion. Startup is all about creating ideas to resolve people’s current problem or ideas which improve people’s life in positive way. A startup may or may not pay but it will definetly reward, if it is a great idea which impact many lives in positive ways or when you have the passion to make it work. The reward may be in monetary terms but even if it is not returning any money it will give you a satisfaction of doing something positive in order to make changes and return back to society and this satisfaction will motivate you to continue with it.
Although, the step of Indian government is Seventy Years late but it’s better late then never. India is on the verge of speedy growth and everyone should be part of it. We have million of problems but we have billion of minds. It’s time to follow your passion, your dream to eradicate those problems. It’s about bringing positive change in the life of people. It’s time to “STARTUP INDIA, STANDUP INDIA”.
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