Develop Industries, Create jobs
I dedicated my last blog of the series “India of My Dream” to agriculture because agriculture is the backbone of any country.
Let me proceed the series with another important area in which we are lacking behind i.e. industries.
If we look into the current scenario, it is known that we do not have enough manufacturing industries and whatever we have are not evenly distributed in the country. This leads to many problem such as devaluation of the rupee, migration of the local talent, population overload in some areas etc.
So, there are two important issues we need to tackle regarding industries growth, one is Internal Manufacturing Industries and another is Distributed Industrialization
Internal Manufacturing Industries
There is a need of creating market for indigenous product and encouraging industries to produce quality and competitive products of international standard. There is, also, need to encourage consumer to use indigenous product so that Indian currency will stay with in India and that will be possible if we produce environment and health friendly products.
We will made more liberal regulation for setting up industries and will create a transparent system for seeking necessary approvals. Also the quality standard should be monitored strictly and every product need to undergo a tough quality test before release in market.
We will also encourage SSI and SMI industries and help them in setting up with close control over their activities to guide them and flourish them in best possible ways. Also, we have to make sure that the availability of raw material should be cheap and easily accessible.
Distributed Industrialization
This will be one of the important factors for a country to become a developed country, “Uniform Growth of industries across the countries”. This will stop migration of people from their native place to metro cities and resolve the population density issue and other problems related to the same.
We will encourage businessman and entrepreneurs to establish industries in their native place. We will provide more subsidies and benefits in setting up the industries and also improve infrastructure like road, electricity and transportation etc.
We will also ensure securities to these industries so that they can run business flawless. We ensure local people participation in setting up the industries and generate local jobs with standard wages.
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