Educate child, Educate nation
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” -Nelson Mandela
Above quote from Nelson Mandela said it all. Education system is the backbone of any country, the country is as good as it’s education system.
If we look towards the current education system in our country there is no doubt that it is below standard especially in government schools and colleges; exceptions are always there like IIT, AIIMS. But only few quality colleges will do no good for a country of 1.27 billion.
Also, low standard education provided a very good business opportunity to the private schools and colleges. In today’s scenario, all the private schools are working as a business houses and teachers are like there sales people. They are concentrating on their turnover rather than the growth of the student.
Also, the education system is more oriented towards getting marks rather than getting knowledge. First, we have to make sure that education should be oriented towards knowledge based marks not marks based knowledge. We have to take steps towards converting the government and government funded schools into a quality place. We, also, have to ensure that standard will meet the international quality education with all facilities and modern equipment is available to the students.
There is a need of distributed education system in place of creating education hub in some cities only. We will also include courses to improve moral education and imbibe Indian traditional values in students, who are the future of India. We will encourage interest based education and encourage students to excel their career in field of their choice.
We have to ensure proper facilities, jobs, and scholarships etc., whatever is required to make them successful and work for country rather than getting education here and serving another country. The school education should be free for every child till Class 12th. Every state government should have take steps towards ensuring the school education for every child. For higher education easy loans should available at reasonable rate. Below quote from Walter Cronkite supports my thought.
“Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation.”
We can learn from old Indian Education System, take help from Nalanda University and other best universities in the world for creating education model. Also, we have to make sure that the knowledge shouldn’t restrict to one language. This has been proving again and again that countries who prefer their mother tongue in education will grow very fast, examples are Japan, France and Russia etc. The reason is simple that people understand better in their mother tongue.
I like to end the blog with the quote from Maya Angelou
When you know better you do better.
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