Improve Administration, Develop Nation
Administration is that driving force towards a goal which ensures the success and failure. A good administration can make a nation number one in world and a bad administration can make that same nation a failed state.
We not only have to improve but also change the way of working of administration. We can give more power to administrative people and make them understand their responsibility. We have to ensure that the face no pressure from ministers at any stage. They are governed by a central/state authority in which government will be a member to some extent and government is a part of decision making and not the only decision maker. Government will not have sole authority to impose the decision force fully but with agreement to central/state authority.
The decision of transfer, promotion and demotion will not be controlled by central or state government but by central or state authority comprising of senior government official and administrative people and completely depend on the performance of the person. The selection of these people will also independent of government intervention.
The administration will clearly have a hierarchical system and targets based deliveries and central/state authority will be responsible in tracking the same and publishing results quarterly. These results and action items will be published on website for public and in case of any deviation anybody can raise objection and action will be taken by central/state authority within established turn-around time.
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