AAP: Turning Point in Indian Politics
Today was a big day for Indian politics and as I was expecting it became a turning point. Since morning my eyes was set on the TV to check the results of the elections on four states of India i.e. Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Since morning all media houses were busy in telecasting and analyzing the result by their panel of analysts.
There was expectations that BJP and AAP could perform in these elections but not expected that the performances was that much exceptional. If we look at the result it was so evident that people could not voted for development only but they voted for honest corruption-free development. People want their participation in those policy making which favors every citizen of nation and not favorable only to politicians and business houses.
These elections are also presented as the semi-final of the center election which are scheduled in 2014 because of the involvement of major states. Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan are among the biggest states of India which plays the major role in deciding who rules the Loksabha or Central Government. Chattisgarh is relatively a small state but facing one of the biggest Indian issue i.e. of naxalites and the peoples decision will determine who they prefer to solve their problem. Delhi, the capital of the country, is always the centre of Indian Politics. In Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh, BJP returns to power consecutively third time. In Chhattisgarh, despite coming into power BJP lost one seat compared to last time but in Madhya Pradesh it came back with much better position compared to last time. In Rajasthan, Congress was routed out from the government and BJP comes in power with exceptional result. In Delhi, which was the center of attraction for these elections, the ruling party Congress was swipe out by BJP and a rising star of Indian politics, AAP.
Before elections, as always every government claimed that they did the development in the state. Let we believe on their words, but then why one party come back to power consecutevily third time and another routed out completely. The indications are clear that you can’t ignore people’s valid demand and the development should be corruption free. People do not want freebies. The days are gone when people used to vote on the promises of freebies. Now people looks what is better for their future and not only present.
Now people started analysing each and every act of political parties before casting their vote. It is expected from every government that they should work on providing five major facilities to the citizens. These are easy and economy transportation, cheap electricity, water, cheap and quality education and better and affordable health care facilities. Rest of the things people could arrange by themselves. Every decision should be taken considering every citizen of the country and not biased towards some. If everyone feel that they have equal rights and facilities, everyone feel safe and basic necessities are within the reach of every citizen then only we will say that we are a developed nation.
Either established parties learn that they are representatives of people and not the bosses otherwise AAP will teach them. Every political party primarily should focuses on how to do the constructive politics and corruption-free development.
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