Conservation of Natural Resources
The image of a community is fundamentally important to its economic well-being. If all places look alike, there’s no reason to go anywhere. -Ed McMahon, Conservation Fund
Above quote from Ed is clearly reflecting the need of the time. Our future will be depending on the natural resources provided to us by Mother Earth. But instead of respecting and conserving it we are harnessing it like anything. We are living and destroying this planet as if we have another planet to go.
What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another. – Mahatma Gandhi
We are creating concrete forests by eradicating the real forests, flora and fauna. For satisfying the greed of ours, we are developing building even on the agricultural land. We are destroying every natural resource in the process of using land to develop industries and buildings. If we look around us, we found several examples of this destruction
Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans. – Jacques-Yves Cousteau
We are polluting our rivers with chemicals and other types of waste coming out from the industries. The industries do not follow the basic precautions before throwing the wastes into the rivers. We are treating our rivers as garbage can which can carry every shit we throw in it be it plastic or any hazardous chemical. We are not only polluting the rivers in fact we are playing with our health. It is an evident fact from history that every great civilization emerge and prosper near the rivers. If we respect our rivers it gives us a lot. The live example of treating the river with respect is Sabarmati river in Gujrat and the live examples of abusing the rivers are Ganga in Uttar Pradesh and Yamuna in Delhi.
We are polluting air by increasing automobiles on roads and not following the precautionary measures in the industries. We are using petroleum products like it stays for eternity. We have to understand that creating every drop of petroleum product took several years and with the speed we are consuming, it will not last very long. Also, these fuels are destroying the atmosphere around us. Instead of investing in the clean fuel like solar energy and wind energy, we are wasting our time and money in these harmful fuels. For saving a small amount, we are creating huge loss to ourselves and our future generation.
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed. – Mahatma Gandhi
Above quote from Gandhiji is exactly suit on the mindset of our politician and bureaucrats. The corrupt officials and politicians are also playing an important role here by giving permissions illegally. For the sake of earning some bucks they are doing big harm to our atmosphere. We can control this by amending the law and introducing tough punishment for crimes against our natural resources. Also, we need to ensure that the laws should be implemented properly.
You maybe able to fool the voters, but not the atmosphere. – Donella H. Meadows
We will re-establish forests and save earth by introducing small efforts. We need participation from the people for the implementing the same in their lives because an individual is directly playing role here and if they cooperate then we will conserve our natural resources for our future generation.
The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now. -Proverb
We have to not only introduce the environment safety chapters in our books but also need to implement that in our lives. Before giving permission to any of the industrial projects we need to ensure that the commitments towards the nature is fulfilling.
He who plants a tree. Plants a hope. -Lucy Larcom
It is evident fact that whenever human abused the nature, in return nature destroys the human civilization to creating the balance. Several natural calamities teaches us the lessons time to time either we store the balance of the nature otherwise nature will do it by itself. I like to end this blog with the quote of Theodore Roosevelt which is the complete reflection of my mindset during writing this blog.
“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children’s children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.” – Theodore Roosevelt
This actually answered my downside, thanks!