Vote for better India
India is standing on the verge of General Election. We are less than two months away from the new government. This is the exam time not only for the politicians but as well as for the citizens too. The question is whether India will vote on development agenda this time or on the religion, caste, community etc agenda like they were doing since last 65 years. But the bigger question is whether the Indians will come out of there house and vote.
It’s the another matter to whom they choose. It depends on the various factor like religious fanaticism, conservative mentality, part of vote bank, blind supporter/opponent or just on the agenda of opposing someone. Today the trend is to oppose one rather than providing the logical analysis to support another. The discussion must be on why are you supporting someone with logical analysis instead of why are you opposing someone. General election is all about choosing the right candidate in the present situation and not about elimination.
Also, in India choosing the right candidate will never work, if they belonged to a party where they do not have any say and only the corrupt candidates are the boss. In our system we can choose the team but not the boss.
In Napoleon words, an army of sheep, led by a lion, is better than an army of lions, led by a sheep.
Even if people choose best candidates but not the right leader, they are going to suffer. So, the selection is now extends to choosing who will be the right leader. My view is that Indians should have the right to choose the Prime Minister along with the representative but thats another point and our politicians will not make any such policy until we pressurize them.
During the voting one should give priority to the national interests rather than his personal interests. Nation comes first before individual. Our country is in current position because the majority of Indians always consider their personal interest instead of nations interest during casting the vote.
The another point of discussion, why there is not 100 percent participation of the eligible voters in the election. According to me, there are three reasons for not voting by the voters
- They ignore to vote because of wrong candidates.
- They are not impacted by the situation due to any of the reason.
- They are not able to reach their constituency on voting day.
For the first reason, this time Election Commission provided the NOTA (None of the Above) option. If one would feel that none of the candidate deserves the vote, then they have this option. So, I hope people do not have this reason anymore for not voting.
To eliminate the second reason, we do not have any policy in place currently. But I feel that to make everyone vote, it should make mandatory for citizens to vote if they want to avail tax benefits or any other benefits like minority quota, OBC quota, SC quota, ST quota, medical facilities etc. Including a new slab of 50% tax in tax slabs for non-voters will surely make a big impact in increasing the voting percentage.
For the third reason, Election Commission should work on Online Voting System. Now a days, people are away from their home due to the most important reason of life earning their bread and butter. Some people are out of India or out of city in the election season due to work responsibilities. Developing an Online Voting System will work in favor of increasing the participation.
In the end, I would only say that Choose Anyone but Vote. Now you have NOTA too.
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