Real Secularism?
I was watching a video of GhoshnaPatra with BJP leader Amit Shah. You can watch the video HERE. During the whole debate I felt that most of the questions asked are either mindless or they were obsessed with the mindset of appeasement.
Do we analyze the questions before raising them or we just believe on what some religious guru said?
What is the need of the current India, providing facility on the basis of religion or on the basis of financial condition? Is the poor belonging to one particular community only?
Why everyone is opposing one person and putting complete effort on trying to prove him as communal and showing themselves as biggest secular of the country? Is talking about one community is secularism or talking about everyone is secularism? Why these so-called secularist didn’t tell us the way how would they remove the differentiation created on the basis of community? Why only proving ourselves as secular we need to wear a cap, if putting tilak on forehead is not applicable vice versa? What is secularism: Respecting all religions or disrespecting ours for a particular religion?
Why if the Supreme Court decision is against our belief, we couldn’t take it gracefully?
Why everyone raised questions on what the nation has done for them and never thinks on what they did for the nation?
Do you authorize a first time surgeon to operate on you loved ones?
Do you like to fly on a plane whose pilot is untrained?
Why a particular community believe that they should get everything in free and not to put any effort to achieve that?
I think either we are mindless or brainwashed. We do not have courage to put effort to get what we want and we always beg from the government. We treat the beggars as low level citizens and expect ourselves to be treated as high level even when we received that as part of quota system.
Why do we believe on half cooked story and never bothered about going deep to understand the reality?
Until and unless we do not start analyzing the situations ourselves and start saying no to reservation, we are not able to achieve the nation for which we are dreaming.
Don’t we should move towards making a country where talent took priority and not belonging to a particular community?
Don’t we have a Indian civil code where every citizen is an Indian and same rules are applied to every citizen irrespective of the religion they belongs?
What comes first: NATION or RELIGION?
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