Successful Life: Great Bank Balance or Good Relations?
What is more important in human life, having lots of money in the bank account or having lots of good relations in heart?
During the lifetime, people work hard to earn money, plenty of money without knowing what is the limit, how much is sufficient, when to stop?
In the due process of that, most of us ignored the relations. Relations with our family, friends, neighbours etc. Even we ignored our health. We reached office early most of the time without having proper breakfast. We work continuously till lunch time, sometimes we skipped the lunch to cover up the time. To cover up the lunch we drink coffee, eat biscuits or chips to suppress the hunger and that too on the workstation. We work continuously till evening and most of the time we stretch the working hours till dinner time. By the time we reached home we were tired enough to spend quality time with our dear ones. From next day onwards the routine resumes again.
We have the reason that we need to to finish the work but we do not understand that work in an on-going event, it will never end. If it ends then their is no need of us where we are. Also, if we relate the situation with our personal life then it is easy to understand that if a person is workaholic and not able to find time for dine which is the most important aspect to run the life. How come we are able to find the time for nurturing and caring the relations?
There is a phrase ‘Out of Sight, Out of Mind’. Relations is all about feeling the emptiness of someone in our life. But if this emptiness stretched for long duration then there are other things which filled up that emptiness. When one does not able to give sufficient time to the relations, those relation will be weaker day by day and finished one day.
In the busy life of today, if we are not able to live the existed relations, how we expect to make new one. Let’s assume that during the life time we create a great bank balance, earned lots of praises from our bosses and colleagues and then retired one day.
Let’s assume we are sitting in the garden of our seven bedroom bungalow near the sea shore. But there is no one with whom we talk, no one with whom we share our thoughts, our memories, our ups and downs in the life. That will be the time when we realize and analyze what are the real achievements of the life.
Let’s assume another scenario, we are sitting in the balcony of our two bedroom flat, had a decent bank balance and talking with the friends sitting next and playing chess along with the sip of tea and we are planning for some outing.
Success of the life is not calculated by the bank balance but it is calculated by the number of people who will miss us, after we left the world.
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