Five tips to celebrate Diwali in an incredible way
Diwali is a festival of light, brings joy, prosperity, festivity, celebrations and not to mention a few diet cheats also! We ardently follow our traditions of offering pooja to our deities, giving gifts to our loved ones, preparing sumptuous meals and bursting crackers to celebrate the day of victory of good over evil.
But Diwali 2018 deserves to go a little ahead.
Let’s try to mark a new beginning this Diwali. Time to give a new dimension to our style of celebration and make this Diwali more meaningful than ever. Here are the few tips and ideas to make Diwali 2018 memorable.
1. Gifting homemade items
Preparing a long list of exclusive and expensive gifts is something which occupies the pre-Diwali season. This time, rather than spending heavily on the expensive gift items, let’s make an effort to give a personal touch to our gifts by preparing the gifts by ourselves. Try to identify your area of interest and prepare a gift all by yourself.
For e.g., if you are good at art, try out a few paintings almost a month in advance to gift to your near and dear ones. If craft decorations are your forte, try to make bandhanwars or decorative diyas at home. You can involve small kids at home who may be too excited to help you. It would be a learning experience for them. Handmade chocolate is another interesting idea to consider.
Remember the feelings and your personal efforts in preparing the gift is more valuable than the price tag of the readymade gift items.
2. Traditional sweets preparation at home
Exchange of sweets is an integral part of Diwali celebrations. But the major concerns regarding adulterated milk and milk products, which certainly goes high at the festival times to meets the surging demands, leads to shifting the focus from traditional sweets to contemporary chocolates.
This Diwali, you can try your hand at cooking with some of the easy recopies to surprise your loved ones. You can also try calorie free sweets like baked ladoo or other sugar-free delights, which are a lot healthier than their readymade counterparts. Many such recipes are available online with detailed tutorials. Your health conscious friends will be happy to receive a box of sweets made of oats.
3. Burst crackers
Yes, you read it right! With much hush-hush about saving environment against the pollutions from crackers, this time if you really don’t want to miss the show, burst crackers together. Stop individual show of bursting crackers. A get together for bursting few crackers is a lot more enjoyable than doing it individually.
Children will also learn the values of sharing with their loved ones. This proves to be environment-friendly than bursting the crackers alone. Also, it will bring harmony in the family, as a festival is a great time to enjoy together.
4. Make this Diwali special for underprivileged ones
We diligently list all the friends and relatives for gifting ‘gala’. But This Diwali, extend this list to the people who serve you daily- may be your liftman, gardener, driver, or your street sweeper. A small gift from you would be a token of appreciation for their services.
Take out sometime during the festival season to visit an orphanage or an old age home. No blessings could be greater than serving mankind and making the occasion special for the deprived ones too. The spirits of the festivity will augment manifolds with this noble act.
5. Replace the candles with traditional Diyas
Instead of using fancy decorative lights or burning paraffin wax candles, illuminate your house with hand-made diyas. The mustard oil burnt in the diyas is a natural mosquito repellent. You can incredibly cut down the electricity bill by avoiding the excessive usage of electrical lamps and lights. The paraffin wax is also responsible to contribute to the choked environment during the festival.
The true essence of this festival is to celebrate the triumph of good over evil, knowledge over ignorance and light over darkness. Let’s make Diwali 2018 more enjoyable and memorable with these handy tips!!
Wish you all a very Prosperous and HAPPY DIWALI 2018!!
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